Carinbundi is a registered NDIS Provider and offers short term accommodation to both children (over 7 years of age) and adults.

We have experienced staff who are able to support people who live with disabilities of all types.

In our individual bedrooms we can offer a choice of bed depending on needs. We have queen ensembles or electric hospital style beds.  Rooms have air-conditioning and a private television.

Client Safety

Staff use hoists when required with training to keep them up to date with how to safely use the equipment. Our aim is to help people feel safe and secure if they need assistance getting in and out of bed, having a bath or shower or just transferring to a comfy chair.

Choice of Support Worker

We try to ensure that participants have a choice of support worker, particularly in regard to hygiene support. 

Staff are trained to perform hygiene tasks in an efficient and respectful manner. However, we acknowledge gender preference when participants need supports in this and in all personal care.

Staff also receive training in diabetes management/insulin training, epilepsy training, peg and stoma management, use of epi pens, medication administration and safe manual handling practices.

We have wheel-chair friendly vehicles enabling us to take participants out in the community. Staff are trained to safely and securely use this equipment.

Meal Planning – Healthy Choices

Our staff always involve participants in meal and snack choices while being mindful of good nutrition and healthy choices.

07 4158 9600